Policy on Coronavirus COVID-19 

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Policy on Coronavirus COVID-19  (CV-19)

The health, wellbeing and safety of our employees and others (e.g. clients, contractors or members of the public) who may be affected by our work activities is our top priority.  We are committed to ensuring that measures are in places so far as reasonably practicable which comply with the latest Government and health authority guidance on Coronavirus COVID-19.

The current situation and national guidance is ever-changing.  We will continue to closely monitor the official guidance issued by the Government and health authorities to ensure that all necessary precautions are being taken for the safety of our employees and others as relevant.

To this end the company will take the following measures to prevent the spread of CV-19 resulting from its undertaking:


Avoid non-essential personnel in the workplace Following government guidance only business critical personnel and those that cannot work from home shall attend site.

We will continue to encourage and support working from home where this is possible.

Persons with symptoms of CV-19 will not be permitted on site.

Risk Assessment The company will carry out a risk assessment of the impact of work activities and the likely spread of CV-19 as well as those who remain able to work from home.

All findings will be reported to the Managing Director.

Implement Control Measures Where identified in the risk assessment the company will implement measures to eliminate or reduce the risk as far as reasonably practicable.

Government and industry guidance will be consulted where possible to ensure the duty is being met as well as following a principle-based approach to reducing risk.

Discreet control measures will be dependant on the findings of the risk assessments but will be driven by the need to:

·         Ensure control of infection in the premises and equipment by regular cleaning

·         Ensure adequate hand washing facilities

·         Maintaining social distancing between persons on site

·         Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safe Systems of Work (SSW)

Measures to control the risks will be approved by the Managing Director.

The Managing Director will ensure that control measures are implemented and check that the implemented actions have removed or controlled the risk.

Provision of Information and Training The [inset as applicable Managing Director/ General Manager] will ensure all employees and visitors to premises will be given information and training where necessary on the control measures in place to manage the risks.
Review The Managing Director will carry out regular review of the risk assessment to ensure that control measures are effective, a review will typically occur when:

·         Each time the Government guidance on Coronavirus and working practices change

·         There is an outbreak of coronavirus

·         A significant portion of staff are off, disrupting normal operational standards i.e. lone working resulting from reduced staff

·         Specific customer demands

·         A customer has an outbreak of coronavirus

·         Reopening a previously closed part of the business

·         Identified new opportunity and introduce a completely new service or product line

Coordination and Cooperation Where identified in the risk assessment the Managing Director will ensure that procedures and control measures are agreed to ensure that control of infection and safe working practices are maintained.

This may include:

·         Neighbours and tenant in shared premises

·         Adjoining businesses and those in the immediate vicinity

·         Emergency services

Visiting and working in other premises The Managing Director will ensure where work activity is required to take place on a customer premises a request will be made for the control of infection procedures applicable to that site. These will be reviewed and incorporated in to the site works control of infection risk assessment to ensure that work activity can be carried out safely.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Employee metal health and wellbeing will be considered as part of the risk assessment and where significant risks are identified, control measures will be put in place.

These will be agreed and checked by the Managing Director.

Advice to Employees In addition to specific workplace control measures that company will continue to advise staff to follow the current national guidance centring on:

·         Avoiding unnecessary travel

·         Maintaining social distancing

·         Being vigilant of symptoms

·         Self-isolation for those with symptoms

·         Frequent and thorough handwashing

·         Covering of nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing using a tissue or sleeve

·         Disposal of used tissues in a bin followed by hand washing

Additional Company Procedures ·         employees who self isolate due to symptoms of coronavirus as an individual or as a household – we will respect the need for employees to stay at home where they are following Government and health authority advice to do so and we will show flexibility in the medical evidence required as per the latest Government arrangements for such

·         employees who advise that they or a close family member may be at increased overall risk according to latest Government and health authority guidance (e.g.  >70 yrs old, pregnant, weakened immune system etc) – we will endeavour to reach a sensible compromise on working that meets both parties’ needs

Emotional and Financial Support In these unprecedented times, the company will do all it can to support employees and their families, both emotionally and financially.  Payment of salary/wages and statutory sick pay will be determined according to our HR/employment policies (and exceptional business decisions as required) and with reference to current Government guidance.


Dean Stephenson

Managing Director


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